
Whenua Tautoko

We offer manaki/tautoko to whanau/hapu that are currently operating within te ika a maui exploring tikanga practices on their tipuna whenua asserting mana motuhake, it is here where we Welcome unique opportunities to share and receive wisdom in the sacred space of te ao maori kawa me tikanga

Korero Whakapapa

Including te reo maori we recognise whakapapa as one of the main sources of mana when it comes to achieving positive outcomes in te ao maori, so we encourage whanau/hapu to seek wisdom in this area, we insist and assist whanau/hapu to engage in suitable education providers within their rohe

Tikanga vs Ture

We Share Lawful Remedies with whanau/hapu ensuring options are available in respect of Tikanga Practices We also have a team of experts, dedicated to providing legal remedy via methods such as Case Precedence and Common Law