We attended one of their three day huinui, in te rohe Hauraki 2021 a functional community centre next to a beautiful awa, we had tio repe/rock oysters on tap that weekend, a place created by one of their founding members Matua Ohomauri. moe mai ra e te Rangatira
Kahurangi275, South Auckland
i see the Rangerz az the keepers of our whenua knowledge, i feel protected knowing you fullaz are there, nah you fullaz da meke, swear to cuz
Steph da BruhSydney, Australia
As a kitchenhand at their event recently ( 28 Oct 2023) I truly appreciate the efforts the Maori Rangers made in educating us about our Founding Document "He Wakaputanga" Their dedication to preserving and sharing our knowledge is commendable
Larni-JeanTuranganui a kiwa, Tairawhiti